[ Fault ]
Friday, January 07, 2011 @ 2:19 AM
Summer - 久石譲 (Joe Hisaishi)
It's always been my fault
i wonder why..you bothered to pick me
why did you bother to be nice
when you knew one day you'll snap at me
why do you always make me cry
why do i always feel so sad before of little things
sometimes i don't even know why i cry,
tears just roll
Its my fault.
it's always been,
and will never change.
Sorry is no use?
well i remembered telling you it meant a lot
if i didn't then, sorry
my fault for not saying it.
I'm not angry.
I just feel really pissed off inside, for some reason
i don't know why exactly i got angry
Maybe i should stop talking to you.
stop playing with you.
then at least conflicts won't raise.
i don't know what to do ):
i really dont...