[ Hardships ]
Thursday, November 06, 2014 @ 12:07 AM
There's been plenty of hardships lately;
as well as rejections
But what I've gained from this is invaluable
I've learned to see pass my mistakes,
my sadness and my weakness.
No, i'm not exactly that much better of a human, not just yet.
I'm gonna try to be even better.
I've learned to let go now
I'm going to learn how to be happy for someone else
I've always been focusing on myself and my problems
but now i can see it slightly different
Not that i'm not focused on my problems or myself, but i learned to see others as well.
I'm happier by the day, and i have God to thank for that as well.
He gave me a little hope, probably a little push as well to start being someone better
I'm still as naive as ever, but i'm sure i can grow.
I want to grow, and i believe i will grow.
One day, i'd be so happy, i'll be able to spread joy to people around me~
So, thanks for those hardships and nonsense life has thrown at me.
I've learned to appreciate it
So quick update on my life~
This section might sound kinda negative but meh, i'm gonna go at it anyways~
So recently, my school work has sort of gone down the drain;
I'm definitely not the best team mate you can find
however i'm still trying my best.
Well, if i see a problem i'll point it out
if you don't agree, just lemme know~
I'm not a mind-reader so i can't read your mind
Another issue is, yup,
i totally got rejected for real this time.
came as quite a shock~
but hey~ we're still friends/game buddies; all cool man
Honestly, if you ask me, i'd like to be your best friend;
Hahaha, ain't it cool? i'll totally aim for that position
like a fking job interview lololol~
Lastly, i'm dead broke. LOL. like seriously, broke >_>;;;
Alright~ That's all for now :))