[ I wanna dream about you ]
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @ 9:48 PM
this is a special post, it'll be in another language. why? because it's my 200th post! xDD
yeah, it is i'm not lying, also because this message, is one i don't feel like letting people read, if the grammer is wrong, iuno, blame it on my bad source. Some words may not be translated ^__^
haha, i'm not going to tell you the language... but if you're reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally close to me, i might ^___^ hehe~ here we go:
Vos teneo , tardus , ego have been reputo , quod ego reputo ego vires exsisto occursus diligo vobis. Vero , pia , ego reputo i'll contremisco occursus diligo vobis. quare quoniam vos es meus primoris male propinquus amicus. Northmanni, nemo gets ut propinquus. funny isn't it?
Etiam, ego reputo ego amo vos. Etiam, ego reputo i'm serius.
si ego cado vobis , quis mos vos operor? mos vos recipero is lousy quod horrendus mihi?
lol, this is funny xD haha okay, on with another language! hehe
私がi愛を言えば、私をに許可するか。 私は不可解な格言をこれ感じるが、実際に、時々人々の話を聞くことの後で、私、実際に好む考えるか。 私はあなたのためにころぶか。
正直に、私は愛のいることを今恐れている。 しかし、どうかして私はあなたのためにころびたいと思うかもしれないか。 私はとても不可解、右であるか。
yes, what an obvious language, but thing is, can you read it? it's a beautiful language. next one =w=
Ναι, σας δίνω ένα μακροχρόνιο μήνυμα, θα σας πω, ονειρεύτηκα σας μερικούς χρόνους. Επιθυμώ σε σας. Με διασκεδάζετε. Με ανακουφίζετε όταν φωνάζω, κάνετε το χαμόγελο και το γέλιό μου. Φαίνεται όπως εγώ ομολογεί σε σας x___x;;
Αλλά όχι, αυτό το ολόκληρο μήνυμα εδώ, είναι να ρωτηθεί σας κάτι.
(another language)
voi lo gradiscono? la causa i pensa che sia caduto appena per voi :) haha
okay, back to english...
yeah i'm tired of trying to translate over and over again.. so here i am typing english yet again...haha, i hoped it entertained you angel ^______^
muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....... *cough*
)): there's an exam for oral english tmr, i hope i'll do well T__________T
okies~ i shall end the post! cause simply i don't think i have anything else to say?? need to study... T___T exams are so scary D: