[ it's just another day ]
Thursday, December 06, 2007 @ 8:44 PM
i'm finally trying to blog more often... well... i hope i do... my blog kinda dying ><
I have A math tuition today... was the second lesson >< it was okay... but... kinda hard to understand the teacher @__@ she went so fast D:
But at least i have some one to teach me~ <333
So... i'm bored an imma gonna name what i did today:
12-6.00am --> i was sleeping >w< it's raining XD
6.00 am --> mom woke me up D:
6.05 am --> i got myself another 5 mins sleep >w<
6.05-6.25am --> i took a shower x___x;; the only reason i took 25 min was... i slept half way thru the shower D: yesh i was tired... i would refuse to wake up >>;;
6.25-6.30am --> i climbed my way down the stairs to the kitchen to make myself a cup of milo for breakfast =w=
6.30-6.35am --> i woke my mom to help tie my hair XD i'm too lazy to do it in the morning ><
6.35-6.40am --> i packed my bag >>;; it's still raining and i really wanna get on my bed again D:
6.40-6.50am --> i sat in near my shoes waiting to wear them and leave the house XD
6.50-6.55am --> i wore my shoes went out...
6.55-7.04am --> waited for a bus and caught one at 7.04 X3 (thinks: i'm not late! XD)
7.04-7.15am --> on the bus :3
7.15am --> i got to school and waited... x___x;; Band starts at 7:45am ^^;
7.15-7.45am --> spent her time talking to her friends and waiting... she spotted a random spoon lying around >>;; ( I...was bored >>;;)
7.45-3.00pm --> Band~ i left early for tuition ><
5.45pm --> tuition ends.... *celebrates~* >w<
6.00pm --> got home with her dinner XD
from then on... i'm spending my time lazing around the house and i got attacked by 3 flying ants >>;;
yesh i freaked out D:
Well... imma gonna post some pictures again >w<
It's all on the game i'm playing X) i'm too lazy to search for more? Well... i did do some drawings but... i... kinda killed them x___x;;
well~ on with teh pictures =w=
My main chara with her Tiger named White >w<
I went gianting with my partner after training~ X)
That's my second chara~ X) she's gonna got her second job soon now :D
That's my main again... she's was nick named Tea O__o
Anothering gianting trip, except i'm with most of the people i hang out with~ XD
Oh well~ imma end this post again~ and imma blog ... in a few random years~ >:3
Behind the scenes:
Helix: *updates her blog at long last* >:3
Heledine: whoo~ i see someone's finnaly updating her blog! XD
Helix: yesh~ only because my game is down again >>;;
Heledine: oh... wanna go out today?
Helix: i'll see...
Heledine: that's waht you ALWAYS tell me, Helixian!
Helix: ... >>;; fine... after i'm done updating teh blog...
Heledine: that's good~~ =w=
Helix: yeah...yeah... (Helix doesn't like to go out much~ she loves her com too much x___x;;)
Heledine: okay~ imma pick my clothes >:)
Helix: hmm... *still staring at her com*...
Heledine: *turns to see...* O__o?! HELIXIAN! before i i go over there and shut off you com... TURN THAT GAME OFF!? D:
Helix: >>;; (... i got...caught ><) sowwie >> and stop it with that helixian... D:
Heledine: but that's your full name ain't it? >:3 <-- Heledine's being ebil! Dx
Helix: ... fine~ X( *go gets changed* let's go~
Heledine: aren't you gonna turn that off? O_o
Helix: nope~ imma set up a shop and left it there~ X) so are we leaving?
Heledine: yes... >>;; aren't you afraid you com dies?! D:
Helix: nope~ it has lasted longer X]
Heledine: x__x;; poor...com...
Helix: lol~ it'll survive~ trust meh XD
Heledine: i hope it survives >>;;
-After a long outing-
Heledine: woots~ shopping's done! X3
Helix: look~ it survived X) *hugs her com* <-- she's too in love with it x__x;;
Heledine: O__o fine... you win... >>;;
Helix! yesh! >:3
.:.:.::hEliX::.:.:. teh end? x__x;; okay... i can't think of anything better now D: my brain cells are dead from thinking about A math >< sowwie! X(