[ i think i'm sick ]
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 @ 8:21 AM
lol~ i'm finally getting some time off my game to blog :P but i think i'm sick now
there's a camp today in about 45 mins D: and i can't even make it.. D: i went for dental thinking that it'll be a normal one like the past few... but, it came out to be lots of pain... i ended up eating only congee or rice with lots and lots of soup... i didn't even chew my food ><
I got up with a bad stomach ache this morning... it's still hurting X( oh well~ i got stuck in the toilet for about 10 mins X(
the past few days wasn't every enjoyable... starting monday morning... the dentist is scary from now on D: and the pain is still there when i bite... that's the reason why i don't bite my rice and just sallow.. *hopes i don't choke*
lol~ the above seems like a complain of pain list... T__T
overall... i think here are the sickness i'm having right now...
1) stomach ache
2) a block nose ><
3) teeth pain D:
okay... i must stop complaining... D: x____x;;; i happen to think... my mom will need to bring me to the doctor now >> i'm seriously not working properly D: everything seems wrong now ><
i don't feel well for one and CCAs clash with other things x___x;; and i still have to do the packing of my house and room and then eat congee D: i'm not complaining that the congee isn't nice... but eating too much of it makes me even more sick >< at least i don't need to chew my rice i can just sallow~
D: it's 25 min left to camp!!! x___x;;; omg... i'm so gonna die...
i got a new nick btw ><
i'm called~ Tea XD
Tea ish feel bad... D:
1) guilty
2) stress
3) totaly at the lost of what to do
4) totaly sad because she's not feeling well D:
5) she keeps sneezing at random points of time >>;;
6) Tea ish worried Dx
over all... i need a friend to talk to now D:
oh well~ cya guys... and good luck for the camp... D: really sorry i can't make it ><
Behind the scenes:
Helix: *refuses to wake up* ... go away....
Heledine: wake up!! you'll miss the meetin soon!! and mistress isn't gonna forgive you again for telling her you woke up late...
Helix: i SAID leave me alone! *sneezes* whoops...
Heledine: O_o... you're sick aren't you?!
Helix: nope~ i'll go to the meeting now ^^;;;;
Heledine: D:< no! stay in bed.. i'll get the mistress here ^^ your room is big enough for a meeting :p
Helix: o___o *faints back to sleep* <-- O__o?!
Heledine: *happily runs out of the room to the metting room to gather everyone XD*
disclaimer: i think i seem to own everything D: including the illnesses ;__; well.. cya when i get better... ><