Made it out of mini wires... hmm... its not really complete... and the final product is FAR FAR AWAY from completion... i'm so dead now... *sigh*
Behind the Scenes:
Helix: woots~ change of fonts at last!!!
Heledine: so you finally is 'hardworking' enough to move your mouse to change the font...*rolls eyes*
Helix: ...Forget it then... *changes font back*
Heledine: HEY!!!
Helix: i don't care... i'm not 'hardworking' like you said....
Heledine: aww!! i was joking! please change it BACK!!! please!!! *puppy dog eyes Helix*
Helix: *totally ignores...* fine....
Heledine: YEAH!!! you're nice!!! for a nobody...
Helix: well... you are mean then... since i'm dark and you're igth its opposite therefore it must mean that you're mean.... i get it now... *nod nod*
Heledine: HEY!!! now you're being mean...
Helix: not mean enough... how bout this...
Heledine: bout what? HEY!! not FAIR!!!!
Helix: your problem then... now i'm being mean... haha...*dry tone*
Heledine: *pout* please!!! don't be mean!!!
Helix: so what if i wanna?
Heledine: *shouts* AXEL!!! YOUR GIRL FRIEND IS BULLYING ME!!!!! <-- can be heard through out the castle....
Helix: ...*fuming...* i...will...KILL... YOU!!!!
Heledine: erm... meep?
Helix: *chasing Heledine down the hall* ...
Heledine: *sees Axel* Axel!! HELP!!!!!! *runs behind him*
Demyx: whoa...
Axel: chill Helix!* trying his best to help Heledine*
Helix: ... *literally on Dark Flames* do you think... i can chill when... the way she screams it is soo DAMN LOUD? *calm...yet scary tone*
Axel:... *blushs like nothing*........
Demyx: whoa... okay... how bout if we like talk bout it? *trying his best to proctect his friendS*
Helix: ... *cruel smile* what do you think? *total pissed off but is controlling*
Demyx: Axel... help me out here!!*whispers*
Axel: erm...erm... how bout we go and erm... grab some ice cream and....erm... go out?
Helix: before i decide to NOT hunt Heledine down... answer this: Why do i not have to heledine down since she screamed that I was YOUR girlfriend?
Axel: because... you are my girlfriend?
Helix: not good enough...
Axel: erm.. how bout ... *demyx being evil for the moment pushes axel into helix*...(due to natural actions when being pushed....) *falls on Helix*
Axel: o///////o *blushes..yet again..*
Helix: O///////O *nearly faded away*
there's an explaination for the above two lines action...
1) Axel is heavy...
2) He hugged her on the way to the ground
3) He fell ON her
4) he kissed her by incident....
now on with the scenes...
Axel: i'm really sorry!!
Helix: *total speechlessness <-- is that even a word?*...
Axel: Helix? helix? OMG!! HELIX!!!
Helix: *runs a sudden fever and faints...*
What a lame ending man!! *bricked...*
Disclaima: i don't own... Axel, Demyx, Teh kiss cum hug....
I own teh story, Helix and Heledine...