[ just to know that i live ]
Wednesday, August 08, 2007 @ 1:33 PM
haha...okay i am sorry for being dead first...i'm kinda lazy nowadays...
let's refresh the memories shall we?
okay...first off...
CCA Farewell night and promotion day for my CCA... it was really a sad night... really sad to see my seniors go... but at least we shared happy memories right? there was a farewell party for them... so many people cried... i think i would also cry on my grad night...haha...okay...
We exchanged presents and sing and dance that night and also had a performance which was done up by my friends... some seniors cried looking at the videos and acts...
There was a trip down to Bottle Tree Park for our project work to learn about crawlers, creepers and such...took photos but i seems that my blogger doesn't want me to show these photos...i can't upload them for some weird reason....
it was a nice place...but hot...yeah...i think that's all for the trip...
Oh yeah... on Sunday...last recently... my CCA went to Istana to perform for the open house... and we took a photo with the president!! whee...good memories ya? while waiting for our turn to perform we watched this primary school brass band perform...and we danced, clap and even sang along for a few songs...
haha... i think we had a alot of fun then... then...we performed for the people there...i was enjoyable.... but the uniform i was wearing was sure hot! maybe it's the weather....
The next day the princle of our school told the school!~~~ okay... i'm hyper now...
*bricks self*
Then yesterday.... during project work...we went to the 'back' of our school to plant our plants that we learnt about form the trip before... it was hot hot hot!! and dirty too... the soil smelled...but no choice right? but in the end we finished and went back to class...then got ready for assmebly!!
the assembly was a bout a competition... a poetry competition... called.. poetry SLAM~ it was really fun to see some of our teachers perform on stage along with the poem... and the students were joining in too!!~~ the winner of the mini competition was my friend's group, jolene's group... it was really interseting... i took photos too...but as usual...internet hates me for nobody's sake...
then... we had this.. SL meeting... and to my surprise, the people who was interviewed in my class which was my cloes friends, wannie adn V-chair ben and alvin...and me of course all got in the SL... whoa... haha.... good news huh?
Then there was today...
Today was a happy day... it was national day celebrations! so its half day for us~! there was also the CCA Leader hand over ceremony... really fun to see... not to mention my friends was gonna 'perform'... but sadly... after a while i had to go off... so i left my camera with my friend... who took videos and pictures for me! oh! i forgot to thanks her... oh well... i'll just thank her here!!
Thanks~! Tze Yeng!
okay... then when we were released from school.... i stayed back a bit... saw some of my friends practice their dance steps for our dance progamme... then... when my jie...(wenn) found out we got into the SL she was super happy!! yeah~ haha since she's currntly the only SL in our class...
then i went home...when i reached my door step...i remembered i didn't bring my keys... (damn i'm forgetful) *bricks self*
so i called my mom to inform her....then waited for my sister to come home... i went down to the playground downstairs and walked around... played abit then settled down to my art which i brought from school... then she appeared... and i thought i was saved...
when we went up to the doorstep and dig through her bag to find she didn't bring her keys too... so in the end i called my mom on the phone and my died... it was kinda out of battery... so luckily my mom came down to chinatown to meet me and pass my the keys... and i took a train back home...
but before that... i ate my sister's french fries... haha.. it was nice ya know!...cause i didn't eat lunch yet...
then....i cooked lunch ate and decided to make my blog live....
that's all....
sorry no 'Behind the scenes" today... you'll spopil your eyes just by reading my post... maybe next time ya?