[ imma gonna keel juu!!!!! ]
Thursday, November 29, 2007 @ 5:47 PM
D: my game is down again >> and parents are finally gonna get me a lap top~ XD they're checking prices =x hopefully i got one... i don't really mind if it laggy if i play some games but i need to stop sticking to my desktop too much D:
Maybe with a laptop i can do my homework upstairs x___x;;; enjoy teh lovely air-con i've got turned on in the night~ XD
btw... this is a VERY old news >>;;
This will be my subject combination for next year:
-A Math
-E Math
-Social Studies + Geography
-Pure Bio
-Pure Bio
-Pure Chem
-Pure Physics
yes... i'm a triple science student... i have no idea how i got there~ my science was a A2 >> just bought my books on Monday~
started doing them already.. >:3 got my sis to help me in A math~ since my tuition classes haven't started... I'll still love Math~ XD
hmm~ since i'm bored... here are some screenshots of my game :D
don't mind my chara's name >> i can't think of anything better at that point of time >>;;
my and my sister's mage~ XD
we're gainting :D actually... bullying the giant >>;;
another one of our 'gianting' trips~ XD
my dragon turned red O_o it's green tho >> look at teh cuteness!!!! O_o *smacks self*
i'm... just trying to make a screenie >> i'm with my sister's Merc (Illyrana)
oh well~ i better end it~ XD
~Helix :p
*** sorry... i'm no behind the scenes today D:*** i don't wanna think yet... >:3
cya~ i'll be blogging... in... ___ YEARS...