[ Hell i'm dead... ]
Sunday, July 22, 2007 @ 8:31 AM
haha..soory for being dead for so long...just didn't feel like updating...i promised people that i'd update so...justfor that reason i'll update my dead blog...
So far...nothing very interesting have happened...there's why i didn't really update...there's also been lotza homework...tests coming up that i must study for...
Oh yeah...i'm currently on a drawing mood... wonder if i should scan in more of my crappy drawing on fulscapinto my computer just to flood it... and to all those people who tagged me...i'm really sorry i did no get to request at once... i must really make it a habit to update more often...
I have field trip coming up...the one i IPW... i wonder if we can miss some parts of my CCA....hmmm......
okay enough of my CCA things... i spent most of my days this few weeks trying to finish my homework on time... and playing the computer... <-- the reason why i don't finish my homework...
haha... okay... so anyone has any ideas for my Behind the Scenes? i'm kinda out of ideas so i'm dead.... (just an excuse for not updating)
hm... anything else i missed out? okay...let's see...
Oh yeah! the 7 july performance was a blast!! i wonder if i can post the pictures up in my blog... better not...i might be punished in school >.< i wonder if its true?
i'm so slow on dates... (its already 22nd July and i'm talking about 7 july)
oh welll if i think of anything... i'll update again...and that would be years later...
Behind the Scenes
Helix: *stares at the computer blankly*
Lavi: what the hell are you doing?
Helix: ...*continue staring*
Lavi: yo... you okay?
Reno: i think she's computer dead again...
Lavi: not again....and why are we here again? wasn't it suppose to be Axel doing this lines?
Reno: dunno, don't care. As long as she pays me...
Axel: oh....sorry i'm late...erm...is she computer dead again?
Reno, Lavi: yup.
Helix: ...*sits up and walks to the bed*... i'm sooo dead*eerie voice*
Reno, Lavi, Axel: O.o''
Reno: you sure she's fine? Lavi can you check on her?...please! *hides*
Axel: dude...you're weird...
Reno: why don't you say so for yourself? you're a ripe off of me!!
Lavi: sigh...*walks away from the two red heads <-- (they really look very much a like)
Lavi: Helix...want anything to ...eat?
Helix: ...nuu...
Lavi: nuu?
Axel: she means no...
Lavi: oh..wait how'd you know that?
Axel: i watched her play the com before...she scans for pictures on the net the learns those weird... words...(don't even think you can call them words...)
Helix: *death glare to Axel*
Axel: kay! i'm sorry...gees
Reno: i'll go fix breakfast....
Lavi: i'll help...
Axel: hey! don't leave me! *runs to catch up with Reno and Lavi*
Helix: great...their GONE!!! *evil laughter* now i can peacefully play my computer... *walks back to com and starts playing..*
disclaimer: okay...so here are the people...i don't own....
did i miss out anything?
I own...
~Helix and the computer!! plus the bed...yupp i think that is all...bye for now...
Helix: i'm bored...