[ My promise ]
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 @ 4:15 PM
hee!! its been so long since i blogged... haha... nearly dead isn't it? oh well... here is an update... i spent most of my 'holiday' in band... on Monday i had CCA then on Wednesday...i had CCA too... then... i have my CCA ( band) camp from friday to saturday.. then i had to wake-up early for tuition the next day then... i spent the rest of the day doing Homework...
i wonder who had a good holiday?.... mine was no holiday... there are horrible times in the 'holiday' but still had lotsa fun when playing the computer and my mum thinks i'm playing the computer when ever i used it...
The last time she scolded me about playing computer was when i was doing MY ART HOMEWORK.... its a long report that i wrote that is why i took a long time (or maybe because i'm just slow...)... and she thinks i'm playing computer just because i was playing some music on the computer to help concentrate better...
i'm the kind who will just drop dead if i don't listen to music for at least 5 times a week... i love music... one of my passion... i love art too... i like listening to music but no really playing it... since its pretty tiring to my mouth for the instrument i play in my CCA...
oh! i found new song you could listen to... and my form teacher changed our seats again... and alot of tall people are in front of me... i feel soo short... (P.S. i don't mean to offend anyone shorter then me... ) i have short genes or so my sister says...
my sis is NOT taller then me... i'm round the same height as her... hmph! anyways... on with the songs you could go find on the net and listen to...
- Kiss me goodbye (there's a jap version too! go listen!)
- I will love again ( Ballad Reprise )
- Final Fantasy X - ending theme
- If everyone cared
Sound tracks:
- Passion Orchestra Instrument Version
- Hikari Orchestra Instruemtn Version
Piano songs:
- Those who fight (piano version) <- from FFVII
- End Credits
- Devil may cry ending theme (piano version) <-- there's a rock version...
i forgot the title of the song from devil may cry... but its the ending theme... those who play DMC3 on PS2 will know...
i feel weird... most of the people in my clss doesn't know of the games i play...or have... people from my class seem to be playing internet games...or maybe its just me... But the thing is... THOSE GAMES ARE SO POPULAR!!! HOW CAN THEY NOT EVEN KNOW??!!!ONE!!!11!!!!!11!!!!1!!1!!!!1ONE!ONE!one!!!
Oh and i promise to make a video for radhi... about us... those who wanna talk to her... i'll be sending the video to her by email... if not it must be through MSN... i hope my phone has enoguh memory space... i'm gonna delete useless junk in my phone...
Behind the scenes:
Helix: ahh... i'm bored...
Heledine: hmph how bout some ice cream?
Helix: no... i can't go out... not allowed too...
Heledine: why?
Helix: i got homework to do and then i needa study... i'm streaming this year....
Heledine: oh... i almost forgot...haha sorry
Helix: nevermind... its amazing how you can pass your streaming with flying colours by just playing...
Heledine: heh! easy! *tapps her temple* just use it!
Helix: don't tell me..you..
Heledine: yupp!!
Helix: CHEATER!!!!
Heledine: hey!HEy!! you can do it too! why not!
Helix: *stops hitting Heledine with a book in Helix's hand* oh right! *smacks herself with the book*
~Poor book...~
Book: OW! OW!....(i hate it when she does that)
back to the scenes:
Heledine: oh well let's go out! i'm gonna head down to Twilight Town for some Sea-salt ice cream!
Helix: cool! *follows heledine and goes out talking*
disclaimer: okay.. i don't own Twilight Town nor the Seasalt ice cream i do own Helix and Heledine! steal and murder shall be commited upon you.... (joking) MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ><