[ Good Enough... ]
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 @ 11:21 PM
It's been about... 7 days?
I feel like I'm being such an idiot sometimes.
there is one thing i have stop regretting. However there are many other things i regretted doing.
I don't think i'm good enough for so many reasons.
just that, i don't match up to you.
sigh..): maybe what they said is right? hmmm, i can always improve, no, rather. I HAVE to improve. It's the only way?
How is it that i can improve?
What are the ways i can do to improve?
I've said many things, but none of it is really important.
Oh, I'm hoping i do above average for my term test :\ sigh, WDS B+, a mark away from an A...
Dear you,
What can i do to suit you? I know you read this. I feel bad for not being able to be better. You can say i'm already as good as i am right now but i feel like i need to meet the other people's expectations as well. Ah well, what is your opinion on this? I would like a proper answer...
Constructive comments are always good (:
I noticed I've not update for sometime, hahas and every time i DO update it's something really crap :\
I should improve the content...but then again ): sigh. I don't think i can?
Java coding
Pseudo codes
History of games
Making videos
Coming up with ideas
Analyzing websites
What else?
I need to improve. I have to improve.
I'll do it for you.