Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 8:41 PM
Hey people,
yes back again.
I've done up many designs in the past few days, during mid-years as well, which goes to show the amount of effort i put into my studies...heh and other works... i've been doing quite a fair bit of art this month so i'll put them all up here :]
except for the hoodie designs for the class, it's found here.
Do visit and have a look yeah? thanks~!
Theme 1: The Swing
The chair
Pieces not put together yet...
Stacked them up, still waiting for the last piece's glue to dry
Another photo
"Vie dans un cauchemar, living in a nightmare.
Just another shot of it.
**Note: i've finished it, but can't upload the pictures due to connection error between my phone and laptop. Once i can connect it, i'll upload it asap. i'm still waiting to get chains for it though...don't wanna use the strings. Will visit spotlight soon :]
Theme 2: Student Council T-shirt Design
Just the back, and i haven't changed the colour. First they must accept the design, if not i'll be redoing it yet again :] for the don't know how many times liao...hais!
Theme 3: Elixian (photoshop)
Yes, as many of you can see, i have only been playing with a few brushes, cause the fonts i got only fit those few brushes. I have more brushes but it'll take some time to mix and match, or rather master the way to use them.
**Notes: i've done more...just that i don't really like them, scrap them. Going to get a tablet that works with my laptop soon...heh xD
Recent Project:
Yeah, been trying to work on more wooden structure kind of things... bascially, tools i use are just ice-cream sticks, UHU glue and pen knife? hahas :] maybe some extras for some other things ^___^;;
The most recent one i'm trying to make, is a house structure. hahas, hope it'll turn out well. The swing's a little hard to make cause of the triangle shaped joints.