[ me ]
Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 4:51 PM
it's depressing really, the midyears are over, it's a happy thing.
But honestly, i scored so terribly...even if studied it didn't seem to help at all. It's over though, i shall not rant on about it. Even if i don't. I know there will surely be that 2 people who will nag, scold, then cry over it. And then it will make me guilty, seriously. I hate them. I wonder why i care sometimes.
Haven't gotten my results. But i predict so. I'm so freaking disappointed. They will surely make it worse. I hate them. i really do.
hahas thanks laiman for that wonderful~! treat hahas sadly..they don't have the meal i really wanted T___T nyuuuu hahas anyways thanks :]
left my newly bought bottle of deodorant behind...ran back to get it...sigh...just got home from running there and back again.
You know, it really sucks how ______ bastard, think i'm always angry, even when i'm not. It gets on my nerves. That's why i won't answer. Then once i am really angered. Don't blame me, you _____ freaking started it. you said you read this isn't it?
If you did, then you ____________ asshole should know what to do and FREAKING CHANGE. but you didn't. so i don't care. yeah, like REAL it ____ you to read it. you !$#%)!I@)_!()$!#*!_@#%*!*!
you're NOT WORTH my attention. HMPH. ):<
Oh lookie what i did to my internet hahas xDDD pretty cool huh? hahas sorry being lame after being angry...sigh...how stupid

Hmm...might change a skin soon, once i see one i really like hahas xDD
vie dans un cauchemar
le monde est allé,
nos rêves se sont fanés,
la vie a est devenu la mort,
la vie ne signifie plus n'importe quoi,
nous pourrions aussi bien être morts et allés.
Est-ce que,
vous me dit a entendu ces cloches ?
J'étais un imbécile pour vous croire.
Vous m'avez blessé, ainsi…
j'espère que vous êtes heureux avec ceci.
I don't wanna trust you anymore.