New Songs and an seasoning me...
Tuesday, September 26, 2006 @ 5:22 PM
I got seasoned again... this time.. 3 packets of seasoning.. THREE!!!! you have no idea how much it is.. its even worst then before!!!!
WK!!! please!! i'm really scared of you now.. so please! stop pouring season on me!!! i'm NOT the food here!!! i'm just and odinary person.. a human!!! PLEASE!!!!
And guess what even worst happened??? My precious watch got poured with seasoning too and now it smells... OMG... i can't live with it like that!!! i hope my uncle can clean up the smell for me or atleast wear off in a few days... that watch is special... its from my mother... she used her bouners to buy it for me and my sister...
I had that watch for round since primary four or five.. i'm not really sure but its no longer sold any more... i love that watch... hope it dosen't spoil..
WK... if i get split ends... you'll pay... the last time i had split ends i had to cut my hair short which is something i DON'T want... get it?? the next time any powder you pour onto my chair will go straight to your mouth or chair get it????
Okays.... angry time over... There was a lunch time corncert at 12:45pm during lesson so lesson was stopped... the whole lunch time corncert was performed by the Secondary twos... well some ws like crazy good some were kinda blur of where they should be going.... hmm...
I think the show was kinda okay... Oh btw i found this song and i'm adding it to blog now.. Kimmi, this song ish for you!!!! its from gundam seed... the song is called meteor... don't know if you have heard it but i sounds really nice so i'm putting it up for you kays?
But i might change it soon so... well if you want to listen then i'll just send it to you on MSN... just tell me kays?
I still stayed back for "happy toilet"... it was kinda hot in the toilet... and not to mention after a while two girls came in to use the toilet and it stinked like crazy after they left!!! i was gonna go crazy le!!!
I hope no one will destroy all our hard work... i hope... and i'll try to get ms chen to help laminate some works for happy toilet.... and a few signs... hmm...
Okay i think i shuld stop and go try to fix my programmes problems.... sigh... Hey you guys! go check out my new blog kays?thanks!!
LiNk hEre
Dark Dreams