My Story
Saturday, September 23, 2006 @ 8:43 PM
My Story
I want things to be in black, white, grey,blue,red...
I want things to cramber below me...
I want people to cry out to me in pain...
I want every one to hate each other...
I am selfish...
I am crying blood again...
I am not crying tears
I'm not like the others...
I'm different
I'm being hated...
This is my story so i make things the way i want it and i'm crying again... i have always crying i never stop i laugh but inside i'm crying... why doesn't anyone understand me?
I wanna find someone to find me... i'm lost...
This is a pointless story... i'm just trying to spoil your eyes from reading this...
Ignore me...
You should forgotten me... not remember me that's why i name myself Dark Dreams...
I want people to suffer
I love the moon and the silent night...
I like my friends but they don't understand me and dislike me at times...
Thats the only reason i hate the world...
Yet i keep telling myself i have friends and a Very Wonderful Family...
Its true i have a Wonderful Family but i don't have many true friends... many betrtay me... use me as a tool... a backup... why?
Am i that bad? i'm still crying... i'm still trying to bring chaos...
I dislike the world not... But everything will be over soon cause i know people will kill me before i bring descriction and chaos to the world and i know people who kill me is nice to save the world...
They should be praised shouldn't they?
I'm just trying to act pityful so don't fall for it...
Fall and be engulf in darkness and forever be lost again...
() () A hug so some people will be save...
( o . o) No one will remember me...
( ")( ") And i will finally be alone again....
Dark Dreams *crapping my heart out*