White feathers and black screens...
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 @ 3:12 PM
I'm sho sad.. and not to mention angry today... ah... whatever... i got scolded for nothing... my sibling (older) scolded me stupid when i only listened to her instrutions to do my work and she scolds... whatever... i think i'll just treat it like shes scolding herself!
I've been busy sho didn't really have much time to blog... and i got scolded again in the night for not doing my homework earlier... and whats more my homework is on blogging... i had to write a composition on blogging... and cause my mom doesn't like me blogging she scolds me bout blogging then ended up quite nicely... my sibling and mom did my homeowrk for me...
I did do half of it and all ideas came from me (cause its my homework not theirs)... woots ended up i finished my homework pretty fast! But i still have some left but they are due next week so i'll just do it next week!
I'm sho happy that i finished my maths project finally... its almost all black.. that is why i like black... hee... don't have anytime to do my blog for now... be back soon...
Dark Dreams