[ anger ]
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @ 11:04 PM
yeah that's all i felt today.
Anger and more anger.
It hurts like hell for goodness sake if you blood idiots don't know.
**no i'm not refering to your case. not the library one. i'm refering to another case.
And i can't hear a thing from where i am. But what can i say? request for a change??
would you assholes even bother to change with me?? I'm beginning to hate you guys really much. Either you get out of my sight. Or you simply shut up.
i hate hearing your voices. the 2 of you especially. Look at my mood before you decide to crack an idiotic joke on me. You'll piss me off big time. trust me. i am not going to forgive you. at least not until i stop hearing that irritating voice of yours.
so what if you're smarter than me? so what if i'm stupid? i'm still human in case you losers don't know. oh i forgot. you ARE losers no wonder you don't have the brains to feel for others. or rather no brains to think before you freaking act.
Yaeh, you've pissed me off successfully. So, let me repeat:
no i am NOT afraid of using that word. Beside to you guys its probably just another word. so freak you. (:
I wonder if you jerks would even read this. yeah i am going to offend you. and i'm not afraid.
after sitting there with 3 empty tables. It's the feeling you get. especially when you're always the outcast. ALWAYS.
(screwed up, fucked up, world. what crap.)