[ I feel random again .___. ]
Friday, February 01, 2008 @ 8:36 AM
It's the second day of elearning and i am trying to revive the blog rather then finish up my elearning homework and study tests to come on the next week....
i'm gonna complain lots so~ here's the list of complain, go on and skip it if you like >>;; it can spoil your eyes since i killed so many eyes just be typing so much xDDD:
too bad, i'm evil >:3
1) i have homework
2) homework includes....
* A Maths
* E Maths
* Chinese
* English
* Pure Bio
* Pure Physics
* Pure Chem
* Social Studies
* P.E. (o.o?!)
i think that's all >>;;
3) Tests on monday Dx!
* Social Studies ( on Aging population in Singapore )
* Chemistry test ( chapter 1 -3 )
4) i have a performance soon and i can't play .___.
5) i have yet to revive my blog ( trying to revive now..really! )
6) i know i'm not gonna finish my homework in the end if i don't start now... but i still wanna play Dx! it's important you know ;___; which person can study 15 hours straight?! tell me?! Dx! i demand to know one person who can study like that WITHOUT any breaks Dx! than i'll do my work like that dude ( and most prolly i'll die in the process x___x;;)
7) i wanna draw D:
8) i DID draw but my drawing is horrid, it's all out Dx!!!
9) i wanna play more Dx!
10) i have innowits to finish =w=
11) i needed find replacements?
12) i think i'll be dead by Monday so don't expect me to be all "i'm so happy" on Monday...
13) i gotta stay back again o.o
14) i don't like Mondays Dx! it's horrid i tell you ;___;
15) im' complaining so much that i can't take it either and now i'm like going "huiyee you're a horrid idiot that only wanna play, you know you won't finish the homework but at least do as much right?!"
16) okay i tihnk i'm done complaining and on to the next item: i just posted up a few pictures here... go on and say it's ugly, whatever... i don't care cause i'll agree with you that it's ugly... >>;;
... i said i feel random right?! look! *points at title* it says " [ I feel random again .__. ] "
well~ on with the pics, i gotta start gaming, i've only got till 12 nn to game and after i gotta do my work Dx!
Picture 1: Winter's Dance
A picture i drew yesterday night... the only thing i like about it is... well, the body and the eyes~ i don't really like the skirt part... it's pretty out and also my handwritting for that is bad... just look at it... well i was out of my mind yesterday night and i have no idea what i was doing but i named it a funny name like "dance" there's not even a touch of dance in it!
and yes, my new favourite thing i wanna draw is... side views and masks!!!!!
Done within: 20-30mins +
Picture 2: Masked
What? i DID say i like masks right? so here's one >w< only ="w=" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj7kvkSQ5SNK05ZLkQqznWkYHEGem7RdAAvwfTHfuNfiOCN5STB22qmBq4QCUhMYh4I8dymwmzMSukt_2l16LDjihof6oDsmRm6xI-PUUCQiUDbSegfZ5FDU8v0CG2hlFHIoOIA/s1600-h/School+Dairy+doodles.JPG">
I haven't editting any of these picture yet... so it's left uncropped and such you can see my handwritting all over the place and even READ what i wrote >>;; though i don't think you can read my handwritting...
well~ for this picture, the thing i like about it is, the second part. I love the way i did it although the hand is left undrawn and also the size of the hand if i DID draw it, is wrong.
Done within: 10 mins ( it's a doodle Dx!) i don't know the time... cause i did this on the first day of school >>;;
~Helix ( full of randomness )
Behind the Scenes:
To be honest, i don't think anyone has scolded me for drawing before .___.
Helix: *draws and draws and draws* ... ... ...
Heledine: ...? *looks over* o.o?! Helix!*whispers*
Helix: hmm? *still drawing >w<* Heledine: teacher's looking >>;;
Helix: mmm....*draws more*
Teacher: Helix... do you want me to make you do a demo in front of everyone?!
Helix:... *ignores*...
Heledine: ^^;
Teacher: ... HELIX! OUT NOW!..
Helix: *stands up and walks to the teacher*...yes?
Teacher: spell no. 328 on Darkness Magic, book ten. Name me the spell, explain and then perform the spell... NO refering to your textbook!
Helix: spell 328, the circle death. It's a spell circle, kills within 10 mins if the person is lucky and it can be cured by casting the reverse spell, the circle life. The spell can kill instantly as well... the spell requires a good concentration and basic spells like death needles, shield of death, and light of time...
*does the spell on a random heartless she made*...done...
Teacher: ... okay back to your seat and no more drawing, or i'll be giving you a hard spell...
Helix: mm... *draws*
Teacher: HELIX!!!! spell 5298!!! NOW!
Helix: >>; *so the teacher's lazy and wants me to do all the work... (( there's other pupils in the class that are doing other homework and talking... )) *
Heil: *cough* welcome to the disclaimer section yet again...
i seem to happen to own everything here... and also... i'm bored Dx! that's why.. the result is such a lame story... xDD
oh well~ better go *dodges flying objects*