[ The horrible day ]
Sunday, March 04, 2007 @ 3:14 PM
Sorry guys... some freak said i should not post this post and that i should delete it... hpmh... i don't care what that freak said... btw the freak is someone in my home... so it should be very clear who said it...
Behind the scenes:
Axel: erm.. Helix.. you, erm.. okay?
Helix: huh? oh.. yeah... i'm..fine...just cold...
Axel: sure? here i'll warm you...
Helix: thanks, Axel... still as good as ever huh?
Axel: hmph...don't worry you can tell me... i'll help if i can...
Helix: ah ha.... *falls asleep*
Axel: *in a low voice* ah ha my foot... Sleep tight...
Demyx: i hope she's fine... never seen her in this kind of mood before...she's never really scared that much before...
Axel: yeah... let's get her back to her room...
Demyx: kay.
so the two boys sent her back to her room and kept her company till dawn, when Roxas and Zexion came to keep Helix and the boys company.
Zexion: We shouldn't let the superior know bout this...
Roxas: yeah... and Vexen or he'll erase her memory again...
Axel: THAT... and i'll murder Vexen again...
Demyx: She'd already forgotten her past like us... not gonna let it happen again...
Zexion: *nods*
Axel: we'll keep it to usselves...ONLY those who betray us shall disappear from this world in OUR hands.
disclaimer: i own nothing, only my story and Helix... nothing else in the post... i don't own Axel, Demyx, Zexion, Roxas, The superior, Vexen...
some songs i like:
Final Fantasy X- Ending Theme
Final Fantasy 8 - Sad Piano Theme
Final Fantasy 10 - Theme of Fantasy X
Final Fantasy 10 - Hymn of Fayth
there are more.... but here are the few for today...